

Why choose printed phone case business? There are 8.5 billion mobile device connections around the world, when you have an expensive mobile phone, you must have a phone case to protect it from scratches and drop. There are a multitude of phone case options on the market, but printed case is more visually appealing. So, here are most simple and stylish type to get you started if you want to add a new product catagory on your current business. We use 4 methods to custom made stylish printed phone case. 1. UV Printing Phone Case UV printing can apply to a wide variety of materials, such as Polycarbonate (PC),  Thermoplastic […]

スタイリッシュなプリントスマホケースを大量カスタムする方法 続きを読む "


100% 環境に役立つ生分解性携帯電話ケース。

なぜ100%生分解性電話ケースを開発するのか? 100%生分解性電話ケースを開発し、環境に貢献することが私たちの使命です。 地球は毎年約20億個のプラスチックケースを生産しています。 2025年には120億トン以上のプラスチック廃棄物が廃棄されると推定されています。 そして、ほとんどのプラスチック材料をリサイクルすることはできません。 電話ケースが平らで、ケースの選択肢が多いためか、人々は常に新しいものに貪欲で古いものに飽きているためです。 そのため、この無意識の消費モードは、多くの場合、環境へのダメージを引き起こします。 生分解性電話ケースを製造する利点。 地球の生態系がますます厳しくなる状況では、「環境保護」

100% 環境に役立つ生分解性携帯電話ケース。 続きを読む "

Anti-baterial Phone Case

Anti-microbial Phone Case

Why do we need to get an anti-microbial phone case? When using an ordinary mobile phone case, a variety of germs will grow on the surface. It will directly contact your hand. Especially E. coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. Those germs are most easily spread in daily life. Mainly caused cough, snorting, cold, fever, and other symptoms. When E. coli is infected by the human body, the main manifestations are vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, enteritis, stomach pain, and other symptoms. In order to solve this daily problem, an antibacterial product, a sterile mobile phone case, was born. The anti-microbial case can effectively kill bacteria on the mobile phone case’s surface and its

Anti-microbial Phone Case 続きを読む "

MFI phone cases  factory

Apple Provides Design Guidelines for MagSafe Accessories

About Apple’s New iPhone 12 Charging Technology All of the ‌iPhone 12‌ models have a ring of magnets built into the back around the wireless charging coil that adhere to MagSafe-based accessories like cases and chargers, which can be compatible with magnetic accessories such as mobile phone cases, chargers, and wallets. Apple produces its own MagSafe accessories, but third-party companies can also design MagSafe products. Design guidance for phone case with MagSafe. Apple has an accessory design guide that details the types and directions of magnets that accessory manufacturers can use, as well as other design details that Apple requires. For example, a mobile phone case using MagSafe magnets must

Apple Provides Design Guidelines for MagSafe Accessories 続きを読む "


iPhone 12用MagSafe対応携帯電話ケース

How MagSafe Works The iPhone 12 series has made a great breakthrough in charging, especially with the MagSafe magnetic wireless charging technology. With MagSafe magnetic wireless charger, the phone can achieve up to 15W of wireless charging power. Bringing users a new wireless charging experience. MagSafe wireless charging technology is based on the principle of wireless charging by the magnetic attraction of the Apple Watch. The magnet on the wireless charger and the magnet inside the phone attract each other to achieve automatic attraction and precise alignment between the coils so that the wireless charger can charge the phone efficiently. The MagSafe magnetic wireless charger can achieve up to 15W

iPhone 12用MagSafe対応携帯電話ケース 続きを読む "


プラスチック射出成形プロセスの最適化: 詳細ガイド

Introduction: Plastic injection molding is an intricate manufacturing process influenced by multiple parameters, including injection pressure, speed, position, temperature, and duration. This guide delves into these five critical aspects, offering insights for enhancing the efficiency and quality of the plastic injection molding process. Pressure Management: In injection molding, pressure is pivotal for operations such as injection, melting, mold closing and opening, ejection, and core pulling. The machine’s control system transforms set parameters into signals to manage the pressure for each action. The goal is to balance the force needed to overcome resistance with the desired speed, adjusting parameters to harmonize these elements. Speed Optimization: The hydraulic flow rate, dictated by

プラスチック射出成形プロセスの最適化: 詳細ガイド 続きを読む "



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